I don't know why my face hates me so much. If I use any type of liquid foundation, you would think that I am some burn victim trying to cover my scars. Messed up but it's the truth!! Sunday was the last straw! I had a video shoot and like to have lots of coverage for anything that deals with the camera. This was my face...

Ok, so on Monday, I did my makeup a little differently. Busted out my Bare Minerals and went as natural as I can bare going. Haha. This is what my face looked like...
I am wearing Viva Glam Gaga in this last pic. Subtle face with lips that pop! I wore Snob in the pancake face pic. So I basically have no idea what this post is about. It's been a few days so I had the itch to post. Yet my substance is lacking... Hmmm...
Donna, I know you complain about your face too. What do you do to it?? LOL. I don't even really know if my skin is sensitive or anything. It's just an asshole. Bare Minerals itches my face. =(