Thursday, August 5, 2010

Crab is in my banner...

Ok, so I just wanna say thank you so much to my friend Chris. He made my banner and I love it!!! No, not because how I look in it but if you look closely... OMFG!! CRAB IS IN THE BANNER!!!!
Hahahahaha!! When I got the email, I nearly died laughing!!!! Thank you so much, Chris!!!!

If anyone ever needs a dope graphic designer, you should def hit him up!!! His stuff is AMAZING!! I mean, come on, look at my effing banner! Hahaha!! You can get a hold of him RIGHT HERE!!!!!! CLICK MEEEEE!

If you don't know who Crab is, you should probably meet him. At the top of this page there is a button. It is titled - "Meet Crab".  Reading it will probably change your life. 

 This is his family. He used to look like this but now he is all grimy and flat. =( Poor thing. 
 This is an old picture at the Eiffel Tower. My cat looks elated and I have no makeup on. I think this was last year and I know that my photo booth sucks. >^..^<

Thank you so much, Chris!!!! Crab loves it too!!! 


-mztoots- said...

lol wow you went to paris hahaha that pic is hilarious theres a chunk of your hair missing! haha you're lucky you even have a banner! the only program I can operate is word and paint and none of those are gonna help me lol

Anonymous said...

Crab is too cute! I'm glad he included it in your banner!

Akrite_Productions said...

No Prob my sister! Im glad you like it!!!!!!!!!! I gotg u on gfx all day!!